ENQUIRY DENTAL CODE (ADA CODE) D4341 – PERIODONTAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANING – FOUR OR MORE TEETH PER QUADRANT Why are my SRPs getting Denied? This is the most common question that most Dentists ask themselves. If you are struggling to get an answer and seeing SRP denials, then it’s a must read for you. …

How Does Dental Billing Outsourcing Increase Your Billing Collection Rate?


ENQUIRY How Does Dental Billing Outsourcing Increase Your Billing Collection Rate? Firstly To solve the challenging process of billing and maintain a seamless cash flow, dental businesses require a solid structure. Therefore Prioritizing and concentrating on delivering the greatest possible therapy and care to the patients. Often, dental professionals are unable to commit sufficient time …

How much does it cost for Outsourcing your Dental Billing?


ENQUIRY How much does it cost for Outsourcing your Dental Billing? When considering outsourcing your dental insurance management, the first question asked is usually. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Answering this question is easy for us! Hiring our team to manage your dental insurance billing is usually the equivalent of hiring an employee in office for $25-$30 per …

Key Challenges in Dental Billing & Common Dental Billing Issues and How to Overcome Them


ENQUIRY Key Challenges in Dental Billing & Common Dental Billing Issues and How to Overcome Them? Dental businesses encounter a variety of billing and coding issues in today’s healthcare system. CDT codes are prone to frequent changes that can be difficult to decipher. Billing for dental operations and getting insurance claims accepted can be time-consuming. …

Why is Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Important in Healthcare?


ENQUIRY Why is Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Important in Healthcare? Hospitals today are incompetent in processing important business transactions because they have limited automation and utilize non-integrated IT business applications. Therefore, 30 cents on every dollar billed is never collected, and 20 per cent of all uncollected payments occur because coding was incorrect or insurance requirements …

How to Become a Dental Biller or Dental Coder?


ENQUIRY How to Become a Dental Biller or Dental Coder? Dental billers are professionals who specialize in the process of tracking medical procedures and services as well as patient accounts. In other words, dental billers help dentists track their expenses and bring them down to a reasonable level. Billers may work directly for dentists or …

What Is Dental Insurance Verification?


ENQUIRY What Is Dental Insurance Verification? There are several parts of RCM and Insurance Verification is one of them and it is one of the most important parts of this Cycle. This process determines whether not patient is eligible to receive the services and what Dental services are going to be covered. Mainly, there are …

What is better, a dental biller in the office or outsourcing the complete dental billing to a reputed company?


ENQUIRY What is better, a dental biller in the office or outsourcing the complete dental billing to a reputed company? Best is to let the patient file their own claims. Patient pays you, insurance company pays the patient. That aside you need to “do the math”, each practice needs are different. Some may find it …

What is Co-pay in Dental Billing?


ENQUIRY What is copay in dental billing? A copay is a fixed amount that an insured pays for covered services. It is an integral part of many health insurance plans. Insurers often charge a copayment for services such as doctor visits or prescription drugs. Copay is a specific dollar amount rather than a percentage of …

What is the Difference Between Dental Billing & Medical Billing?

Dental Billing Outsourcing 4

ENQUIRY What is the Difference Between Dental Billing And Medical Billing? Both dental billing and medical billing are alike. They both depend on a detailed understanding of the principles of coding and billing and an understanding of how insurance companies to process, receive, and pay claims. This comprises information on how to: send claims and code which …