How virtual credit cards can cost your dental practice?


ENQUIRY How virtual credit cards can cost your dental practice Dental practices should avoid virtual credit card payments. Virtual Credit Cards (VCC/VCP) are another form of payment being offered to the Dental Practices by Insurance plans. Some Dental Plans have even gone as far as making it the preferred method of payment. Other Plans are …

Tips for preventing dental patient cancellations


ENQUIRY Tips for preventing dental patient cancellations Preventing cancellation might be the toughest job of optimizing a dental clinic. There are so many factors that can cause a patient to miss an appointment. From traffic delays to overextended meetings to forgetting, the clinic can’t solve all issues to accommodate the client.Before you begin developing strategies …

Why attachments are important in dental insurance claims?


ENQUIRY Why attachments are important in dental insurance claims? Dental Claim Attachments is an electronic claims-attachment solution for dental providers that want to simplify the transmission of x-rays, perio charts, narratives, or any other documentation and streamline the claims adjudication process.A dental claim attachment is supporting documentation that proves the necessity of the procedure being …

Financial mistakes dentists regularly make (and how to avoid them)


ENQUIRY Financial mistakes dentists regularly make (and how to avoid them) Everyone should have a will, but when you’re running a business, it is especially important to ensure that the business and your family are protected. Make sure you’ve got quality wills, powers of attorney, testaments to trusts, deeds of mutual wills, or whatever else …

Common Myths about Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management


ENQUIRY Common Myths about Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management Outsourcing has had a long-standing, negative connotation. Over the years, though, for small and large businesses alike, outsourcing has become a strategy to gain an edge over the competition.For just about any business function, there’s an opportunity to outsource part or all of it. Think about accounting, …